miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011


Weathering is a geological process that consist about the disintegration and transformation of the rock and minerals that integrate the relief.

There are different types of weathering
+ Physical and mechanical: 
- Frost wedging: it is produced when a rock breaks because of the action of the ice. You can find this where the temperature is low than zero degrees. The water introduces at the rock's cracks and when the temperature decreases, the water becomes ice and the volume is bigger so there's more pressure in the rock so it breakes.

- Haloclasty: it is produced when a rock breaks because of the salt's precipitation when they are accumulated.
- Termoclasty: it is produced when a rock breaks because of the tensions produced between the different components of the rock when it expands. This problem just exist in heterogeneous materials, not in homogeneous.

- Biológica: it is produced because of the action of the humans.

+ Chemical: you have a change on the components of the material. It's more important in places where there is water o other fluids.
- Dissolution: some kind of rocks can be dissolved by the water. Most of the times, when this happens, the action creates lenares.

- Carbonation: is the process of dissolving carbon dioxide in water and you find bicarbonate, which is soluble.
- Hydration: there are materials which are able to hydrate theirselvs when they need it. There are differences between some materials and others at the hydration capacity, so they have different expansions, so the tensions between the different components of the rock make it breaks.
- Oxidation: when you mix oxygen with any other component, it gets oxidize. 

+ Chemical - biological: the mineral components of the rocks can descompose because of substances that have been thrown by humans.

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